"Anything's own strength comes from its source."

In the realm of secondhand clothing, this French saying holds true in every way.


No Bale No Bullshit

You won't find cheap rags in 500kg bales. Not on this site.

We only supply ACTUAL SECOND-HAND GARMENTS selected one-by-one to meet your exacts needs.

How Does It Work ?

Let us be your Seal Team

Not An Army, Special Forces

At Select Wholesale, we value QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. That's why we let you choose the exact products you know works for you.

By exact, I mean EXACT.


I told you it's not your average wholesale website

The Configurator

Navigate The Configurator and choose from a range of options to customize your exact needed products. You're the client, you get to choose from A to Z.

Access the Configurator

we litteraly won't

We Won't Let You Buy

Until we've had you at least once on the phone.

Our first concern is your satisfaction. We will always make sure that we fully understand what you want.

Video call, live chat, instagram DMs, carrier pigeon, the choice is yours.

OK, Let's Get In Touch